Our Programs

Our comprehensive program encompasses several disciplines such as art, dance, music, fashion, textiles, sculpture, culinary arts, cinema, theater, cosmetology, digital art, holistic traditional science, and the business aspects of art.
Our classes in 2024 consist of dance and drum lessons, which are available at many places throughout the Bay region. However, our main base is located at the San Francisco film consortium, specifically at 145 9th Street, Suite 208, San Francisco, CA 94103. As we progress with our proof of concept, our range of offers will broaden in terms of curriculum and locations.
Our after-school programs provide certificates of distinction, making them beneficial for kids seeking additional curricular credits. The cultural exchange scholarship award program offers a student the opportunity to travel to Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, in West Africa, and engage in a dance program with our school partners.
The drum and dance program is for any individual wanting to learn African dance and drumming for their own personal growth and to expand their musical skills. This is also a great program for students from high school colleges and universities for extra credit curricula.
For more information, and if you have any other questions, please contact us (here). We have partnered with several corresponding schools in Africa, that will accept students who are awarded African Arts Academy scholarships.

Our instructors are masters specialized in their specific crafts from various background of the African diaspora. If you are interesred in teaching at African Arts Academy, don’t hesitate to send a request via our contact page, including your bio and tell us why you want to teach at A-A-A. In your message, don’t forget to include ways we can get in contact with you.